Never Be Alone
Joshua Madine A whisper in heaven re-echoes around
the songs of the angels resound
Their music of light chases darkness away
Their voices upliftet to say
You'll never be alone, You'll never be alone
You'll never be alone
You'll never be alone, You'll never be alone
You'll never be alone
Thomas Cully

Thomas Cully & Joseph Snelling
Though their music is lost in the noise of the storm
and the whispers are drowned in the flood
Their message of hope is not fading away
The echoes will never decay
You'll never be alone, You'll never be alone
You'll never be alone
You'll never be alone, You'll never be alone
You'll never be alone
You'll never be alone
You'll never be alone
You'll never be alone
You'll never be alone

Never Be Alone
Länge 3:45
Musik Steven Geraghty
Text Robert Prizeman
Solo Joshua Madine, Thomas Cully, Joseph Snelling
aufgenommen 2008
veröffentlicht auf New Dawn (2008)

Informationen zum Lied
Eine reine Eigenproduktion von Libera. Die Musik stammt vom ehemaligen Libera-Solisten Steven Geraghty, den Text steuerte Robert Prizeman bei.
