You Were There

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Länge: 3:56
LIBERA sind (21):

Thomas Cully
Samuel Leggett
Joshua Madine
Benedict Philipp
Edward Day
Flynn Marks
Zachary Lockett
Alfie Smart
Jakob de Menezes-Wood
Stefan Leadbeater
Liam Connery
Kavana Crossley
Tiarnan Branson
James Mordaunt

Michael Horncastle
Sammy Moriarty
Thomas Cole
Michael Vereycken
Alexander Leggett
Daniel Fontannaz
Oliver Cole
Jonathan Barrington
                                         Thomas     Liedtext
You were there in everything I knew
From the moment I began.
Always there in every way I grew -
Saved me falling, held my hand

You were shelter from the storm
The shadows fade away,
All cares pass away.
As hour by hour and day by day
you love lightens up the sky
As it shines across the night.

Ave Regina caelorum decora
Virgo gloriosa, Ave

And when the end of day is come,
Stay with me through the dark
and bring me home.

                  Liam                        Thomas                       Benedict
You were there - whichever way I go,
Keep me safely - night and day
Always there - whenever I am alone,
Hear me calling - show the way

You were shelter from the storm
The shadows fade away,
All cares pass away.
As hour by hour and day by day
you love lightens up the sky
As it shines across the night.
 Samuel             Liam             Thomas       Benedict        Joshua
  Ave Regina caelorum decora
Virgo gloriosa, Ave

And when the end of day is come,
Stay with me through the dark
and bring me home.
Stay with me through the datk
and bring me home.
                          Samuel                   Liam             Thomas 
               Thomas            Benedict                  Joshua
                                                            Thomas Cole
                                                         Thomas Cole
                       Samuel                                     Joshua
          James M. ??
                 James M. ??
                     Jonathan             Oliver        Joshua         Thomas Cully          Conor ?    Michael Horncastle
                  Michael Vereycken      Tiarnan       Alex?                     Liam         Jakob ??             Daniel  ???
                       Ben?                 Sammy ?                 Stefan ?  Thomas Cole ??                  Edward
                                   Zachary                     ???                        Kavana                  ????
                                                   Thomas Cully
                       Thomas Cully
                            Thomas Cully
                   Thomas Cully                         Liam
                 Thomas Cully       Liam                    Samuel
               Thomas Cully    Liam        Samuel             Benedict
    Thomas Cully    Liam    Samuel     Benedict       Joshua
                                                        Thomas Cully
                                 Thomas Cully
                                                        Thomas Cully