Eternal Light

Das Video zu Eternal Light wurde am 25.11.2010 in der Sendung "Songs of Praise" im BBC gesendet.

Leider handelt es sich nicht um ein Video des kompletten Liedes, dass eigentlich eine Länge von 4:21 min hat. Das Video ist jedoch nur 2:59 min lang, wobei die 2. Stophe und der 2. Refrain fehlen.

Länge: 2:59 (3:20)
LIBERA sind:
Stefan Leadbeater
Ralph Skan
Cassius O'Connell-White
Kavana Crossley
Daniel Fontannaz
Frederick Ingles
Jakob de Menezes-Wood
Samuel Leggett
James Mordaunt
Sere Akpobome
Mine Akpobome
Matthew Jansen
Dylan Duffy
                              Stefan Leadbeater
Barney Lindsell
Carlos Rodriguez
Joshua Madine

Den ein oder anderen habe ich vielleicht
noch übersehen
Thoughts of love surround you
everywhere around you
May your heart discover
all the magic and the wonder

Inside every moment
deeper than the ocean
I just want to show you
all the beauty and the glory
In this clear eternal light,
this miracle of light,
you will never lose your way,
this eternal light will find you
and guide you

There are times
of long and sleepless nights,
but I will bring you peace and hope
shining like a rainbow
                                           Stefan Leadbeater

In this clear eternal light,
this miracle of light,
you will never lose your way,
this eternal light will find you
to shine its guiding light in you

In this clear eternal light,
this miracle of light,
you will never lose your way,
this eternal light will find you
and guide you
... evermore

hhh Ahhh Ahh
     Ralph Skan                          Stefan Leadbeater
rechts im Bild: Freddie Ingles (anhand der abstehenden Ohren auch von hinten gut zu identifizieren.)
                           Cassius O'Connell-White
                                                 Daniel Fontannaz
                                             Kavana Crossley   
                                      Daniel Fontannaz, Kavana Crossley
   Ralph Skan   Carlos ?       Freddie Ingles
                                 Jakob De Menezes-Wood
                      Samuel Leggett                  Thomas Cully
        James Mordaunt                                Samuel Leggett
                                                Stefan Leadbeater
                                                Stefan oder James ?
                                                    Sere Akpobome
    Kavana Crossley James Mordaunt   Cassius O'Connell-White
         Freddie Ingles                Dylan Duffy          Matthew Jansen
                          Mine Akpobome
                  Barney Lindsell               Daniel Fontannaz
     Kavana Crossley James Mordaunt   Cassius O'Connell-White