Lacrymosa |
Chor |
Voca Me
Salva Me |
Ben Crawley |
You are the voice that calls in the silence
You are the light that shines in the dark
You hold me in any sorrow
See me through every shadow
Salva Me |
You are the words of the song
You are the light
You are the music that plays
You are the voice
You are the day |
Chor |
Voca Me
Salva Me |
Ben Crawley |
You are the words of the sunrise
You are the music that plays at the dawn
You hold me if I were falling
Hear me if I am calling
Salva Me |
You are the words of the song
You are the light
You are the music that plays
You are the voice
You are the day |
Ben Crawley |
You are the voice that calls in the silence
You are the words of the song
You are the light
You are the voice
You are the music that plays
You are the voice
You are the light
You are the day |
Lacrymosa |
Länge |
3:12 |
Musik |
Camille Saint-Saens |
Text |
Robert Prizeman |
Solo |
Ben Crawley |
aufgenommen |
2001 |
veröffentlicht auf |
Luminosa (2001) |
Informationen zum Lied |
Die Melodie des Liedes "Lacrymosa" entstammt dem Konzert "Karneval der Tiere" von dem französischen Komponisten Saint-Saëns aus dem Jahr 1886 und gehört zu dem Stück "Aquarium". Für Lacrymosa wurden eigentlich keine Änderungen an der Melodie vorgenommen.
Der Text stammt aus der Feder von Robert Prizeman. |
Anmerkung |